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The use of blended and distance learning methodologies has been attractive to a growing number of higher education institutions due to its potential to enhance student enhancement. Study shows that this mode of learning delivery has the potential to increase student engagement. This study aimed to determine the key factors of the blended learning environment that sustain student engagement. A descriptive survey with qualitative support was conducted to 123 student teachers from a state university in Mindanao.   These participants were enrolled in a course delivered in a blended learning environment for one semester through a Moodle platform. Through a survey questionnaire, the participants assessed their preferred and actual learning experiences in a blended learning environment context and reflected on the activities that fostered or hindered engagement. The findings indicate a close alignment between student teachers preferred and actual experiences within the blended learning environment. Three core factors - relevance, interactivity, and connectedness - emerged as pivotal in sustaining engagement within the blended learning framework.

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1 Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology, College of Education, Department of Science & Mathematics Education, Philippines.

2 Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology, College of Education, Department of Professional Education, Philippines

3 Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology, College of Education, Department of Technology Teacher Education, Philippines


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