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Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has surged in popularity within the banking sector over the last ten years. This research explores how corporate social responsibility (CSR) aspects affect customer happiness and bank image, and whether or not there is a link between CSR and customer satisfaction. The study is conducted in light of the rising interest in CSR worldwide. Customers in developed and underdeveloped nations may see corporate social responsibility (CSR) differently. The four hypotheses and the null hypothesis were tested in this research using SPSS. The results show that CSR improves a bank's reputation and client happiness. The following are prioritized: consumer protection, environmental contribution, legal accountability, and ethical, and economic responsibility. Ultimately, the study demonstrated that banks engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR), that there is a positive correlation between CSR and customer happiness, and that the impression of CSR by customers has a favorable impact on the bank’s image.

Article Details

Author Biography


Mirielle gereij1, Elie basbous2

Faculty of Business Administration, PhD Candidate, Jinan University, Lebanon1

Faculty of Business Administration, Professor, Jinan University, Lebanon2


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