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Throughout history, people have sought conducive environments for their well-being and freedom. When aspirations remain unfulfilled in their countries, individuals seek safer havens. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights guarantees the right to seek asylum. Factors like global unrest, developmental disparities, violations of norms, and adherence to state policies contribute to the refugee phenomenon. Safeguarding refugees is a humanitarian duty rooted in international law, but national interests often determine acceptance. Political objectives have become additional criteria for refugee status. Rights and legal status include civil, political, social, and economic entitlements for citizens. Refugees possess the same inherent rights but realization depends on national and international entities addressing asylum concerns. Refugees require prior permissions citizens do not. Iran and Iraq have provisions for refugees in their domestic legislation. This article examines the rights of refugees within host countries and identifies supporting institutions. The focus is on the "rights and legal status of refugees," using a descriptive-analytical methodology.
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