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This study aims to expound upon the concept of general elections within the framework of democracy and people's sovereignty in Indonesia from the perspective of Sharia law and fiqh siyasah. Employing juridical-normative research methods, this investigation scrutinizes legal norms and regulations governing the values and mechanisms of conducting elections. The analysis utilizes a comparative approach with Sharia law and fiqh siyasah. The findings reveal that the manifestation of democracy in Indonesia, employing elections as a tool for legitimization, aligns with the principles advocated by Prophet Muhammad SAW, emphasizing the concept of people's sovereignty. However, on a technical level, the implementation of elections in Indonesia exhibits several weaknesses and inconsistencies with the tenets of fiqh siyasah. Fiqh siyasah underscores elections as a conduit for people's sovereignty in selecting virtuous leaders based on the values of transcendental democracy and justice.

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