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The phenomenon of direct participation in hostilities (DPH) poses complex challenges at the intersection of Islamic law and international humanitarian law (IHL). This comparative study delves into the norms governing DPH within the context of armed conflict, examining the perspectives offered by Islamic law and IHL.The research explores the conceptualization of DPH in Islamic jurisprudence, analyzing key sources such as the Quran and Hadith, and their application to contemporary armed conflicts. Simultaneously, it investigates the relevant provisions of IHL, particularly the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols, which establish the legal framework governing armed conflicts on the international stage.The study aims to identify similarities, divergences, and potential areas of convergence between Islamic law and IHL concerning DPH. It scrutinizes the criteria for distinguishing combatants from civilians, the lawful means and methods of warfare, and the protection afforded to non-combatants. Additionally, the research investigates the role of non-state actors and the application of DPH norms to unconventional forms of warfare, such as asymmetrical conflicts and terrorism.By conducting a nuanced comparative analysis, this study seeks to contribute to a deeper understanding of how Islamic law and IHL address the complex ethical, legal, and humanitarian issues arising from DPH. It also highlights the practical implications of these norms for states, armed groups, and individuals involved in armed conflicts. Ultimately, the research aims to foster dialogue and promote a more comprehensive and inclusive approach to addressing the challenges posed by DPH within the broader framework of international law and human rights.
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