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This abstract delves into the critical issue of workplace harassment faced by women in Pakistan, employing an analytical lens grounded in Islamic perspectives. The study recognizes the prevalence of workplace harassment as a significant societal challenge, with a particular focus on the experiences of women in a predominantly Islamic context.The research explores the dimensions of workplace harassment, ranging from subtle forms of discrimination to overt instances of abuse. Drawing on Islamic principles, the study analyzes the ethical and moral considerations inherent in such behaviors and investigates their alignment with the teachings of Islam.Through an examination of Islamic values such as justice, dignity, and respect for individuals, the study seeks to provide insights into how these principles can inform policies and practices aimed at curbing workplace harassment. It explores the roles of both religious and legal frameworks in addressing and preventing harassment, emphasizing the importance of creating a work environment that upholds Islamic values.The research employs a multi-faceted approach, incorporating qualitative data from interviews and surveys to capture the diverse experiences of women in different professional settings. It also considers the perspectives of Islamic scholars and leaders, seeking to bridge the gap between traditional Islamic teachings and contemporary challenges in the workplace. In conclusion, this abstract highlights the urgent need to address workplace harassment in Pakistan from an Islamic perspective, offering a nuanced understanding of the ethical dimensions involved. By considering the teachings of Islam, the study aims to contribute to the development of comprehensive strategies and policies that not only address the immediate issues of harassment but also foster a workplace culture aligned with Islamic values of justice, equality, and dignity for all.

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