Main Article Content
This paper has the objective to show the connection between the social and emotional dimension and English as a foreign language. The methodology implemented required the use of different databases such as Dialnet, EBSCO, Scopus and Scielo, taking into account some inclusion criteria, such as searches performed in English and Spanish languages and articles and books published between the years 2015 to 2022, mainly in Latin America, United States and Europe. The most used databases are identified and, from there, the most frequent publication years for research and studies on the two topics social and emotional dimension and the English as a foreign language. Subsequently, the marked tendency of descriptive, qualitative and mixed in both topics revised. The conceptualization of the two issues in question: social and emotional dimension and English as a foreign language is established as well as their connection. As a conclusion, it is established the importance of the social and emotional dimension within the learning of English as a foreign language.
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