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In higher studies, students are expected to take their own learning responsibility. There is a dearth in knowledge among educationists about the myriads ways of facilitating empowered learning. The research was designed to examine the effect of concept mapping teaching strategy on students’ Learning empowerment in subject of educational research. Learning empowerment is a newly emerged area in education. It is the status of gaining power and control over learning and the process of learning. Several studies have been conducted to know the effectiveness of concept mapping in early years of schooling in teaching and learning process. While the intent of this study was to know the effect of concept mapping on learning empowerment in higher education. Secondly, the study was aimed to know the retention of the learning empowerment as the result of intervention through concept mapping. Prospective teachers of BS programs were the target population. Sequential exploratory mixed methods design was used to conduct an experiment. In the quantitative part of the study participants of the experiment were exposed to the treatment for one semester wile qualitative part was done with the interviews of the participants.. Learning empowerment scale was adopted for the collection of data. Measurements were compared and recorded at different time intervals. Mean, standard deviation and dependent sample t-test were used to analyze the data. The findings of the study revealed the positive effect of concept mapping on students’ learning empowerment. It was recommended to use concept mapping strategy for gaining empowerment in learning.
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