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Objective: To measure the effect of loneliness on coronary artery heart disease among adolescences with regions and gender differences in cross sectional survey study.
Methodology: A cross sectional comparative study was conducted in district Haripur Pakistan and 200 participants’ were selected purposefully. In door patients accessed to public and private hospitals of Haripur. The study was conducted from March 2014 to February 2015. University of California loss angles loneliness Urdu version 3 UCLA scale was used in present study.1
Results: Mean age of target population was 15.66 ± 2.873, CAD patient’s loneliness score was 21.06 ± 6.834 higher than counterpart’s patients. Mean scores of loneliness for male & female CAD adolescences were 27.89 ± 11.12 & 35.00 ± 14.0 respectively. Urban area residing adolescences CAD patients and non CAD patients’ scores were 44.39 ± 8.892 & 34.25 ± 14.19 correspondingly at (p<.001). Rural area residing adolescences CAD patients and non CAD patients’ scores were 30.25 ± 14.19 & 30.94 ± 7.759 respectively at (p<.001).
Conclusion: CAD adolescences level of loneliness was higher and non CAD adolescences loneliness was lower. While CAD and non CAD patient’s in difference in loneliness among adolescences in terms of gender and region.
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