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– The purpose of this article is to reflect on urban social imaginaries as a theoretical and methodological tool that allows interpreting social reality in the urban context. The methodology of the text is oriented from the parameters of the interpretive paradigm and the use of the hermeneutic method to understand the arguments proposed by Durkheim, (1968), Berger and Luckmann, 1986, Castoriadis (1989), Pinto (2005), Baeza, (2004, 2022), Pérez (2005), Ugas, (2007), Silva (2006), Rojo and Henríquez (2010), Carretero, (2011) Martínez, (2011), Martínez (2014), Ramírez and Aliaga ( 2022), among other authors, who conceptualize, theorize and design research methodologies to interpret urban social reality through imaginaries.
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