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This study analyzed the responsibility of a doctor who commits an unlawful act when giving a medical error to his patient. This study examined how a doctor's action qualifies as an unlawful act in a medical action error and the doctor's legal responsibility in a medical action error from a civil, criminal, and administrative perspective. Metode This research is a doctrinal legal research, with a statute approach and an analytical approach. The results of the study showed that an unlawful act occurs when a doctor performs a medical action contrary to law, or contrary to medical science, and the medical action does not get the patient's consent. Medical action errors are seen from the perspective of civil law from two theories, namely breach of contract (default) and negligence, as well as from the perspective of criminal law in committing a medical action error. Generally, errors can be defined by the intent (dolus/opzet) and negligence/omissions (culpa) that are also considered elements of not meeting medical professional standards, service standards, and standard operating procedures. Then the perspective of administrative law; Judging from administrative violations committed by doctors, this legal violation can be seen from administrative violations regarding the authority to practice medicine and administrative violations regarding medical services. Based on Law 36 of 2009 concerning health, namely in the form of granting rights to victims of malpractice to hold doctors responsible for medical malpractice, in order to compensate for loss caused by doctor's errors or negligence, civil compensation claims may be filed or combined criminal prosecutions pursued. Additionally, the Indonesian Medical Discipline Honorary Council (MKDKI) may issue decisions imposing disciplinary sanctions on doctors who are proven guilty, allowing the council to make compensation claims in criminal proceedings before the court.

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