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This research aims to describe the effect of satisfaction with salary and satisfaction with supervisors on work motivation among employees with organizational climate as moderating variable. This study involved 399 employees of Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan. Data were collected by using the scale of satisfaction with salary, scale of satisfaction with supervisors, scale of organizational climate and the scale of work motivation. A partial least square path modelling was used in this study with WarpPLS 7 application. The results showed that satisfaction with salary (β=0.151, p=0.001; p<0.05), satisfaction with supervisors (β=0.126, p=0.005; p<0.05) and organizational climate (β=0.494, p=0.001; p<0.05) directly could increase the work motivation of employees significantly, but organizational climate could not moderated the effect of satisfaction with salary (β=0.020, p=0.348; p>0.05) and satisfaction with supervisors (β=0.073, p=0.072; p>0.05) on work motivation. Implications of this study that management were expected to increase employees’ work motivation through improving the factors which influence satisfaction with salary, satisfaction with supervisors and organizational climate.
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