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The educational environment known by the community so far consists of the family environment, school environment, and community environment in the concept of the Tricenter of Education. The purpose of the research is to criticize and strengthen the Tricenter of Education in the perspective of Islamic Education and the perspective of national education policy. The research was conducted through a descriptive-qualitative approach with primary data sources obtained directly from the field and secondary data in the form of documents, books, articles and theories, as well as laws and regulations. Based on the results of research and analysis of facts, data, and information can be explained as follows. First, the concept of the Tricenter of Education consisting of the family, school, and community environment is theoretically considered still relevant. Second, in the perspective of Islamic Education, that the educational environment begins since the child in his mother's womb as the first and main environment of the educational environment. Third, in the perspective of national education, the concept of the Tricenter of Education is even strengthened by the state as an educational environment by gaining recognition from the government in the constitution and laws and regulations in the field of education as national policy. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the educational environment consists of: the educational environment in the womb, the family education environment, the educational environment in educational institutions, the community education environment, and the educational environment in a sovereign state that has policy authority.
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