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Some concepts may be assumed to have a mere historical relevance and studied only as a historical analysis; including to learn from the past. The concept of apartheid can be a clear example of such misapprehension. Because this word evokes the former South African regime whenever being said, heard or read; as if it has no other implication. But the fact is that humanity is never immune to similar ominous phenomena. Therefore, it is important to define the concept of apartheid based on both domestic and international case law as well as Islamic sharia, not only as a historical matter, but also as a human rights violation and a crime against humanity, which can occur anytime and anywhere. This may contribute to verify the incidents of apartheid in different territories and political regimes, especially in currently occupied Palestine and the occupying Zionist regime, and to establish adequate strategies them. The present study was aimed at this goal through desk research methods and descriptive analysis techniques.

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