Main Article Content
This research aims to analyze the marriage law in Indonesia. In the context of Indonesia, marriage plays a significant role as an institution that regulates the relationship between husband and wife and provides legal protection for legally married couples. The research methodology employed in this study is a descriptive-analytical approach, gathering data through literature review and analysis of relevant legislation concerning marriage law in Indonesia. The collected data is analyzed, considering social, cultural, religious, and legal aspects of marriage. The research findings indicate that the marriage law in Indonesia serves several objectives. Firstly, it aims to safeguard individual rights and social interests within the context of marriage. Secondly, it ensures the continuity and stability of marital relationships. Thirdly, it guarantees legal protection for legally married couples. Furthermore, this study reveals that the marriage law in Indonesia is based on various sources of law, including national laws and religious principles. The marriage law also reflects the cultural and religious diversity in Indonesia, with principles accommodating the needs and beliefs of different communities.
Article Details
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