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This study aimed to identify betutor ‘speaking’ performances (text, co-text, and context) in Tamiang wedding ceremony tradition. Furthermore, it explained the betutor’s language in the wedding ceremony, including how to identify and inventory it as an oral tradition. The ethnography model was applied. The data were collected through recordings, interviews, and direct participatory observation. Furthermore, betutor steps were analyzed based on structure and the speech explained, including conversations in the wedding ceremony tradition. The interviews were conducted with informants with knowledge of the wedding tradition, especially on betutor and the terms applied. Additionally, the analysis focused on betutor’s text, co-text, and context. The findings showed that performing betutor as traditional speaking in the wedding ceremony indicates utterances of welcoming guest, marriage-themed advice, and agreement. The text utterances consist of expressions of respect, requesting for opinion and directions, cooperation, validation, and prayers. In contrast, the co-text includes paralinguistics that accompanies the text. Furthermore, betutor is a formal event that follows traditional terms and regulations. The performance of betutor performs a respectful each other (telangke 'groom-party speaker' and tande 'bride-party speaker as deligation of the community) based on solidarity and empathy.
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