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The Second World War is undoubtedly one of the darkest moments of the 20th century. This war, both in terms of the number of countries involved and in terms of the dead, wounded, displaced and the type of weapons used, as well as the extensive effects it left on all aspects of human social, political and cultural life, is a place for reflection in the contemporary history of the world. One of the innovative effects of this war in international law can be seen in the formation of international courts against the perpetrators of crimes during the war. The establishment of the Nuremberg and Tokyo tribunals, for the first time, invalidated the immunity of governments and rulers for committing some serious crimes during the war, which marked the beginning of a path that, despite the fifty-year hiatus of the Cold War, would bear fruit in two decades. Recently, the creation of temporary international courts such as the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda and finally the creation of the International Criminal Court brought its appearance to the fore.
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