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The aim of the study was investigating belief in just world as predictor of well-being and life satisfaction among students. The study also aimed at investigating gender differences among belief in just world, well-being and life satisfaction. The present research is based on correlational research design. A sample consisted of 200 students selected from different universities of Lahore with age range of 21-24 years. Personal Belief in Just World Scale, General Belief in Just World Scale, Belief in Just World Scale for Others, Traits Well-Being Inventory, Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale and Satisfaction with Life Scale were used. Multiple regression, Pearson correlation, t-test and ANOVA were applied to test the hypotheses. The study's conclusions showed that students' well-being and life satisfaction were highly predicted by their personal belief in a just world. Students' overall well-being and level of life satisfaction were not predicted by their general belief in a just world or in a just world for others. Comparing male and female students, gender differences showed that males scored much higher on beliefs about a just world, wellbeing, and life satisfaction. At the completion of the study, recommendations, consequences, and conclusions were explored.
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