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Healthcare professionals play a fundamental role in caring for people's health, dedicating themselves to disease prevention and promoting healthy lifestyles to maintain and improve physical and mental well-being in society. This study aims to establish a model of how the working conditions of healthcare workers in the Cesar department can predict psychological well-being. A cross-sectional predictive research design was used with a non-probabilistic sample of 216 healthcare professionals providing services in different municipalities of the Cesar department. Data collection involved the use of a form characterizing working conditions and Ryff's Psychological Well-Being Scales. Among the main findings, it was observed that seniority in the organization predicts lower psychological well-being, while not receiving personal supplies predicts higher psychological well-being. Additionally, not being affiliated with occupational risks predicts lower psychological well-being, and not having a second job predicts lower psychological well-being. It is concluded that it is important to consider these variables in the promotion of psychological well-being in the workplace.
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