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The prevalence of child labor is one of the most serious issues confronting the entire world, particularly developing countries like Pakistan. Child labor is frequently required due to financial constraints on the part of the parents. As a result of the rapid population growth, the primary causes of child labor are widespread unemployment and underemployment among the adult impoverished population. A variety of factors contribute to child labor, including large, low-income households that frequently lack access to educational resources, parental illiteracy and ignorance of the value of education and the effects of labor on their children's health. However, as time has passed, a global recognition of the gravity of the problem has emerged. Additionally, the Pakistani constitution pledged to uphold and advance welfare concerns over economic ones. In order to provide us with information on the issue and recommendations for solutions, the Pakistani government has established a number of committees and commissions, some of which are focused especially on the subject of child labor. Modern governments need to have comprehensive and practical policies regarding child labor and child development.
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