Main Article Content
This research aims to examine the regulation of the environment in the 1945 Constitution, both from a normative and empirical perspective. The study employs a normative legal research method by collecting and analyzing primary and secondary data related to the environmental regulation in Indonesian Constitution. The findings reveal that the 1945 Constitution has regulated the environment in two dimensions: the dimension of human rights and the dimension of the national economy. The research also identifies both positive and negative implications of the regulation of the environment in the 1945 Constitution on legislation, policies, and practices related to the environment in Indonesia. Several recommendations are provided to address the negative implications and strengthen the positive implications of the regulation of the environment in the 1945 Constitution. This research is expected to contribute to the development of legal science, particularly environmental law in Indonesia, and provide input and recommendations for the government, society, and relevant parties in the protection and management of the environment in Indonesia.
This research aims to examine the regulation of the environment in the 1945 Constitution, both from a normative and empirical perspective. The study employs a normative legal research method by collecting and analyzing primary and secondary data related to the environmental regulation in Indonesian Constitution. The findings reveal that the 1945 Constitution has regulated the environment in two dimensions: the dimension of human rights and the dimension of the national economy. The research also identifies both positive and negative implications of the regulation of the environment in the 1945 Constitution on legislation, policies, and practices related to the environment in Indonesia. Several recommendations are provided to address the negative implications and strengthen the positive implications of the regulation of the environment in the 1945 Constitution. This research is expected to contribute to the development of legal science, particularly environmental law in Indonesia, and provide input and recommendations for the government, society, and relevant parties in the protection and management of the environment in Indonesia.
Article Details
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