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The worldwide spread of the COVID-19 infectious disease resulted in a pandemic that has threatened millions of lives. This pandemic can well be associated with the mental and social well-being of individuals as it has affected all spheres of life. For the present study, the Narrative Inquiry method has been used to collect data from 11 Pakistani university students, both male and female, who have had first-hand experience with the COVID-19 virus by contracting it. This is a qualitative study in which narrative interviews and story-telling have been used to collect data from students studying in various universities in Pakistan. The online tool, Google Meet, was used to collect the data. The findings reveal the lived experiences of the participants who contracted the virus and had first-hand experience with COVID-19. The strong feelings of fear, depression, anxiety, guilt, the importance of relationships & family support, the ambivalent role of social media, Corona scepticism and social stigma are some of the themes that emerged from the data.The study is important to understand the trauma university students have been going through during the times of this pandemic. This can help to gauge their social, mental and physical well-being so that their performance in studies and other matters related to social relationships does not decline.
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