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The health emergency in Indonesia is destabilizing. The rapid spread of COVID-19 has resulted in a crisis. The severity of the outbreak in regions where the central government has not responded promptly has prompted various preventive measures by local governments. The central government has the authority to legally determine public health emergencies, as stated in Article 10, paragraph 1, of Law No. 6/2018. However, it is perceived that PMK No. 9 of 2020, issued by the Minister of Health, is excessively procedural amidst local governments' eagerness to safeguard their citizens by implementing various measures to curtail the transmission of COVID-19. This study aims to determine the reconstruction of the legal relationship between the central and local governments in handling the pandemic in Indonesia. The method used is a normative legal research method with a statutory and conceptual approach. The foundation of this research is a law that regulates the handling and prosecution of COVID-19 and then analyzed with the concept of determining the regulation of the law. The results show that the substance of Law No. 24/2007, Law No. 6/2018, and Law No. 23/2014 leads to an unclear legal relationship between the central government and local governments in emergencies (extraordinary), especially in pandemic enforcement. The legal enforcement of Law No. 6/2018 regarding Health Quarantine by the Central Government and the Regions is not running effectively due to the unclear substance of the rules, the structure of law enforcement officials who do not understand the significance of Law No. 6/2018, and the legal culture of the people who tend to ignore existing rules. The reconstruction of the legal relationship between the central and regional governments in prosecuting the COVID-19 pandemic requires a more comprehensive arrangement by referring to the 1945 Constitution.
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