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This study aims to examine the public perception of member countries of the Asia Federation Pickleball (AFP) towards the sport of Pickleball which includes: (1). Aspects of the game, (2). Equipment aspect, (3). Benefit Aspect. The method used in this research is descriptive. The population of this research is all Pickleball players who are members of the Asia Federation Pickleball (AFP). The sampling technique is incidental sampling. In this study, the sample is the research sample is 494 people. Data collection techniques in this study used a questionnaire. The data analysis technique in this study used descriptive quantitative data analysis techniques. The results of the study concluded that (1). The public perception of the Pickleball game obtained data of 83.48%. (2). Public perception of the equipment used in the Pickleball game obtained data of 72.51%. (3). The public perception of the benefits that exist in the Pickleball game obtained data of 76.56%. This means that from the Asian public perception of the sport of Pickleball, it is very good in terms of the aspects of the game, equipment, and benefits because Pickleball is very easy and interesting to do for children, adults, and parents. Pickleball sport from the aspect of equipment has economic and practical value and excellent benefits in improving fitness and sports performance.
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