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The present study was conducted in District Swabito explore the role of village support organizations (VSOs) in gender development. The study was cross-sectional and quantitative. A sample size of 384 respondents was selected through Sekaran (2003) from whom data was collected through interview schedule. Chi-square and Tb were used to test the association between gender development and VSOs. The findings of the study shows that VSOs stressed upon to device specific gender strategy in community development projects, gaining attention from VSOs by women, empowering women in their decision, and women’s participation is important in community based projects. However, it is evident from the results that VSOs failed to encourage upto extent to encourage women to get vocational trainings to start their own business, in designing and giving training exclusively on gender issues, and encouraging women to participate in management committees. Therefore, in order to overcome these challenges, VSOs should bring all the marginal groups to the main domain, entrust financial resources for their uplifting and put pressure on government to form policies in their best interest.
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