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The article originates from the research study, Didactic Obstacles in the Teaching of Mathematics at the Primary Level, which was carried out with the support of the interdisciplinary group Study of Numerical Thinking, Public Policies of Science and Technology, Agricultural Production, Environment, and Problems of Latin American and Caribbean Education. Its objective is to review the initial training of teachers of the degrees offered by the Popular University of Cesar, such as Bachelor's Degree in Art and Folklore, Bachelor's Degree in Spanish Language and English, Bachelor's Degree in Physical Education, Recreation and Sports. As well as the didactic obstacles that new graduates of these programs face when they graduate from these programs, when facing the reality of primary education in Colombia, particularly in the city of Valledupar. In this sense, some terms and their components are contextualized and how they impact the work in situ, by reviewing research related to the topic, as well as the positions and methodologies, the different epistemological perspectives of research, and those questions that have remained unanswered. All this, in order to be able to elaborate a theoretical construct that allows to contrast the existing theories on the relationship between teacher training and the didactic obstacles present in the teaching of basic primary education.
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