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The function of education is of utmost importance in tackling current global issues related to environmental sustainability, social equality, and economic advancement. In the specific context of Pakistan, where urgent concerns regarding environmental degradation and socioeconomic disparity persist, academic institutions have demonstrated a proactive approach by including Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in their academic curriculum and extracurricular activities. The purpose of this study was to investigate how current trends and issues have impacted the sustainability development of education programs in public sector universities of Pakistan. The population for the survey included all of the Pakistani public universities in the Punjab province. The study sample consisted of 250 current students at 10 public universities in the Punjab province of Pakistan. The results show a substantial and statistically significant link between current trends and issues and Sustainable Development in education. So, policymakers and academics must carefully analyze recent trends and issues in education while creating sustainable development policies and plans. This proposed strategy emphasizes model improvement and cooperative research to understand the underlying elements that affect Sustainable Development in education. This study elucidates the complex relationship between contemporary trends and concerns and the concept of Sustainable Development within the field of education. To achieve sustainable growth, it is imperative to prioritize flexibility and proactive engagement of stakeholders. By incorporating and adopting these many viewpoints, academics and policymakers have the potential to forge a more robust and flexible pathway towards achieving sustainable progress.

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