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Energy is the backbone of the social and financial result of any state. Pakistan has been enduring the lowest energy deficiency that has become a difficulty for the success of the state because of the usage of customary fuels instead of substitute fuels. The study explores the alternative potential machinery existing situation and outlook plan contextualizing Pakistan. The study focuses the clean energy sources, like hydroelectricity, geothermal, wind, biomass and solar, can relieve the energy issues of Pakistan. Besides, the data for this research has been got from the Ministry of Energy, National power policy Reports, Dam projects Reports, Government of Pakistan and United States Agency for International Development(USAID) Energy Funds Documents. This study also provides a thorough interpretation of energy needs in Pakistan, which might be beneficial for resolving the electricity quandary in Pakistan. In the end, the study proposes that green investments need to be put into practice and strengthened through guided civil expenditure, policy changes, and adjustments in tariff and regulation.

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Author Biography



1Assistant Professor, School of Political Science, Minhaj University Lahore
2Assistant Professor, Department of History and Pakistan Studies, FC College University Lahore
3Associate Professor, School of Mass Communication, Minhaj University Lahore
4Assistant Professor, School of Political Science, Minhaj University Lahore
5Lecturer, School of Criminology & Criminal Justice System, Minhaj University Lahore


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