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Introduction. In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, by virtue of the strategies of preventive isolation and mandatory confinement, family dynamics were affected. The objective of this study was to determine the levels of cohesion and flexibility in families of University Nursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic as an input for the development of family health interventions.
Materials and methods. This is a descriptive, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach. Random sampling NC=95% Accuracy error 5% stratified per academic semester; A total of 416 students participated voluntarily. Self-completed survey, with sociodemographic variables, Olson's FACES III scale of cohesion and flexibility; Excel database and analysis with descriptive statistics: proportions and means. SPSS v.23 was used.
Results. Students under 30 years of age, predominantly female. In cohesion, amalgamated families predominated (37.5%) followed by connected families (36.1%). In flexibility, flexible families stood out (37.3%) and in functionality, balanced families (41.3%) with a high proportion of dysfunctional families (21%). Significant relationships were found in these three categories with age and academic day.
Conclusions. The results point towards interventions to strengthen mutual support, boundaries, leadership, rules and roles, with priority given to students in upper semesters, from rural areas and/or those who work in addition to studying.
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