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Asset recovery is a critical component of the global fight against corruption, involving the process of reclaiming illegally acquired assets. This paper examines the challenges and best practices in asset recovery mechanisms, focusing on the Indonesian context. It highlights the importance of preventive measures, such as robust anti-corruption laws and addressing the root causes of corruption. The paper emphasizes the need for international cooperation, as recovering assets often involves hidden offshore accounts and complex legal structures. The United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) serves as a framework for global collaboration in asset recovery efforts. The paper discusses the challenges in effectively recovering stolen assets, including the misconception surrounding the substitute for the proceeds of corruption. It explores the experiences of other countries, such as the Philippines, Hong Kong, and European nations, in asset recovery and seizure practices. The legal framework governing asset recovery in Indonesia, as well as the process of civil lawsuits for asset recovery, are examined. The paper concludes by emphasizing the importance of strengthening the Indonesian legal framework and learning from international best practices to enhance asset recovery outcomes.

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Author Biography


Haswandi Haswandi1,Sobandi Sobandi2

Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia1

Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia2


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