Main Article Content
This research article investigates the switching intentions and attitudes towards switching intentions among high-tech electronic products, including smartphones, smartwatches, and smart appliances, in Pakistan. Unlike previous studies in Pakistan, this research employs the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Theory of Planned Behavior (TBP) to gain a more comprehensive understanding of customer behavior in this context. The study collected data through online questionnaires distributed to customers across the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan, resulting in 261 responses, with 255 being used for analysis. The findings reveal significant relationships between various factors. Firstly, a positive attitude towards switching intention, a greater perceived control over resources, and positive feedback from internal groups were found to increase the likelihood of customers switching among high-tech electronic products. Secondly, the study found that customers' attitudes towards switching intention are positively influenced by perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and personal innovativeness. When customers perceive a product as easy to learn and use, providing better utility, and possessing innovative features, their attitudes toward switching intentions become more favorable. In summary, this research provides valuable insights into the factors influencing switching intentions and attitudes among customers of high-tech electronic products in Pakistan, extending the scope beyond smartphones. The use of both TAM and TBP models enhances the comprehensiveness of the study, offering valuable implications for businesses and policymakers in the region's high-tech electronic product market. This research article is based on the purpose of using TBP to knowing switching intention while CAT model to know attitude towards switching intention among high-tech electronic products which includes of smartphones, smart watch and smart appliances etc. in a developing country Pakistan. Most studies of Pakistan in Pakistan has not used the TBP to know switching intention and CAT model to know attitudes towards switching intention among high-tech electronic product, in addition neither they have included other high-tech electronic products besides from smartphone. However, extending the high-tech electronic products category by included such products such as smart watches, smart appliances and laptops etc. while using the technological aspect such as looking to attitudes towards switching intention from extended TAM model (CAT) and TBP to among high-tech electronic products, would provide more comprehensive results.
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