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In higher education, Self Regulated Learning (SRL) is highly critical because one of the purposes of higher education is to make students independent learners. SRL strategies emphasize self-management of learning tasks, which are the gateway towards autonomy in learning and achievement. This study aimed to determine the relationship between SRL strategies and academic achievement and further investigate whether high-achier demonstrate more effective and consistent use of SRL strategies compared to low-achiever undergraduate students. A sample of 322 undergraduate students (161 high achievers, 161 low achievers) belonging to social science disciplines of six randomly selected universities was taken to attain the stated aim. The study was descriptive cum correlational in nature and a questionnaire was used for data collection which was constructed after review of related literture. Results of data analysis revealed a significant relationship between SRL strategies and academic achievements and significant differences were also found between high and low achievers undergraduate students in their SRL strategies. High achievers were good in their SRL strategies than their counterparts, moreover male and female high achievers also found good in SRL strategies. It is safely concluded that SRL strategies are a thriving construct because a substantial proportion of learning activities can be categorized as SRL strategies therefore teachers at higher education levels may develop SRL strategies through reflective practices and encourage low achievers to teach at least one class and organize a seminar.

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1,2,3 Department of Education, University of Sargodha, Pakistan


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