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Human trafficking is nowadays a global issue. Human trafficking is the enrollment, transmission, possession/ acceptance of a person by intimidation or by the use of strength or forms of pressure. Sometimes human trafficking becomes kidnapping, disappointment, or abuse of office which creates or receives vulnerabilities/ benefits to attain the harmony of the person administering the other for exploitation. This research focuses on evaluating four basic claims pertaining to human trafficking that are its international magnitudes, and trends, and thereafter highlights the relativeness to other global activities. These claims are universally popular to magnify the said phenomenon and for that purpose, careful research on human trafficking is persuaded. No doubt, there are several studies that have been advanced including the contributions to causes, consequences, and social dynamics with the remedies thereto. The micro-level research would be argued with its advantages and its better-suited formulation i.e. identifying the magnitude of trafficking within a measurable context. The author is therefore proposing an analytical framework in order to understand the relationships among three factors interrelated to the concept i.e. globalization, gender, and work.
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