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Grounded on the basic Psychological need theory, we examined the predictive association between satisfaction of basic psychological needs (i.e., satisfaction of relatedness need) criminal (delinquent) behaviour and life satisfaction among adolescents. Pakistan is struggling to maintain social stability in the face of widespread societal problems. There is a greater need to address deviant behaviour because of its impact on the future of the country. Adolescents are particularly susceptible to such societal problems. The purpose of this research is to quantify the connection between juvenile delinquency and the degree to which basic human needs are met or unmet. There were 300 total adolescents involved, 150 boys and 150 females. The study employed the Delinquency Activities Scale (DAS), the Satisfaction with Life Scale (LSQ), and the Basic Psychological Needs Scale (BPNS). Methods of random sampling were used to acquire the data. There was a total of 300 people that took part in the study. SPSS (26) was used to do the analysis on the data. Correlational analysis was used for the study's methodology.

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Author Biography



1Assistant Professor, National University of Medical Sciences, Islamabad.

2Psychologist, Dow International Medical college, DUHS, Karachi, Pakistan.

3Assistant Professor, Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Karachi, Pakistan.

4Riphah International University, Faisalabad Campus.


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