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Background:-Polycystic ovarian syndrome serves as a challenge for women globally with a never ending struggle with body dissatisfaction and mental health problems.
Objective:-To assess body dissatisfaction in women with PCOS and To determine the mediating effect of coping strategies “Emotion focused”, “Problem focused” and “Dysfunctional coping” between body dissatisfaction and mental health problems “Anxiety” and “Depression” among women diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome living in Islamabad, Pakistan.
Design:-This cross sectional study was conducted on 100 women from Islamabad they were approached through various OB/Gynea clinics and fertility groups on social media. Participants filled out questionnaires 1) Body image action and acceptance questionnaire, 2) Brief cope inventory and3) Mental health inventory along with a demographic form.
Results:-In a total of 100 women 92 women were in young adulthood (20 – 40 years) and 8 women were in middle adulthood (40 – 60 years). The data regarding age was categorized using Erikson’s psychosocial theory. The mediation analysis shows that body dissatisfaction has a significant direct effect on mental health of women; “Anxiety” (P=0.03) and “Depression” (P=0.01). Furthermore, the mediating analysis suggest that there is partial mediated between body dissatisfaction and anxiety of coping strategies (EFC M= -0.0077; P=0.07, PFC M= 0.0122; P= 0.25 and DCS M= 0.0517; P=0.01) whereas mediating analysis of coping strategies between body dissatisfaction and depression show (EFC M= -0.0121; P=0.01, PFC M= -0.0040; P= 0.73 and DCS M= 0.0492; P=0.02).
Conclusion:-The study shows a positive correlation between body dissatisfaction and mental health problems “Anxiety” and “Depression” whereas, the mediation is significant for emotion focused coping and dysfunctional coping between body dissatisfaction and mental health problems though, problem focused coping does has partial mediation which can be studied in future to generate significant findings.
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