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Covid-19 Corporate crime is a difficult concept to understand and determine whether the corporation or management is held responsible for a crime. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, many aspects should comply with the complicated processes, including law enforcement. This paper aims to analyze corporate crimes handling in Indonesia amidst the pandemic. This is normative legal research with data being collected through a literature study. The results show that a substantial amount of corruption cases are still processed amidst the pandemic. However, several things need to be adjusted, specifically the Corruption Eradication Commission procedures, by applying the working from home (WFH) approach, conducting trials through video conference if a face-to-face trial is not possible, and issuing the Circular Letter Number 8 of 2020 concerning the Use of Budget for the Procurement of Goods and Services in the Context of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Handling Acceleration to prevent corruption in corporations. The government must immediately form a legal construction for handling crime, especially those committed by corporations amidst the pandemic. An appropriate legal construction will be able to guarantee the principle of certainty in handling crimes.
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