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The study focuses on issues related to inclusivity and work culture in global perspective. As there exist various perspectives and in now-a-days’ competitive world, one of the foremost ethical hindrances and challenges is to bring organization at optimum level of performance through the most valued assets, the human resources. However, organizations face numerous challenges due to ethical and moral values in increasingly diverse culture. Therefore, a comprehensive framework is the need of the hour to guides organizational leaders and all the stakeholders to enhance inclusiveness at the workplace. The study deduced that organizations try to focus on attracting a diverse group of employees, but then struggle with retaining the right talent due to not having strong inclusiveness policy. Therefore, the study proposes that with inclusion, organizations can capture a competitive advantage from changing demographics across workplace and in the marketplace. The research suggests that those organizations with a highly diverse workforce if pay attention to establish an inclusive environment, are likely to be more functional than organizations without inclusivity policy. The study provides insight about fundamentals of inclusivity, and goal orientation in the global perspective.

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Author Biography



Post-Doc Fellow & Faculty Member, Universiti Malaya/NDU


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