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Mutual funds provide an opportunity to invest in a diversified portfolio. The mutual fund industry is growing at a rapid speed. The prime function of mutual funds is to provide liquidity to the investor. Investors prefer mutual funds with high liquidity, mutual fund managers are genuinely concerned regarding the mutual fund's liquidity. In recent times the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is getting popularity. The study aimed to determine the impact of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) on the liquidity considering the role of corporate governance on the mutual funds operating in Pakistan. This is the first attempt to understand the impact of CSR on the liquidity of mutual funds. The study investigated the impact of CSR on liquidity during the period (2011-2021). The sample of the study consists of both Islamic and conventional mutual funds. For this purpose, the CSR and CG index was developed, and the annual financial reports were examined. The study used the generalized method of moments (GMM). The GMM model controlled the endogeneity problem caused by firm-specific variables and liquidity. The result shows that the fund engaged in a prominent level of CSR activities provides more liquidity. The corporate governance not only significantly impact the liquidity but it also moderate the relationship between CSR engagement and liquidity. This effect is more pronounced in conventional mutual funds. The study's finding dictates that incorporating CSR activities will lead mutual funds toward more liquidity.
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