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Talent management has become a strategic element of organizations; since it depends on achieving competitiveness and reaching your goals. The objective of this research was to describe talent management in organizations. A systematic literature review methodology has been followed, which consists of three steps: planning the review, conducting the review, and presenting the results of the review for publication purposes. The results show that talent management is absolutely valid and is very interesting for study by academics; His field of study covers not only multinational companies but also small companies, as well as various organizations that are not necessarily for-profit; Its concept is constantly evolving, going from the simple process to attraction, selection, development or retention to more complex approaches such as practice in scenarios such as pandemics or in digital environments or aimed at managing the talents of new generations of employees who have other practices and ways of managing their careers like those of generation Y. In this way, it can be concluded that talent management is essential not only because it can be inclusive and seek the development of all workers, but also because, being exclusive, it seeks structure positions and therefore assign them to talented people who make a difference in organizations in an increasingly complex market.
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