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Behavior is the transaction process in which we share ideas, feelings, thoughts and messages with other. The verbal and nonverbal behavior are part of the interaction pattern that can effect students and their behavior. Non-verbal behavior have an important effect on students’ academic achievement. The main objectives of the study was to find out the effect of teacher’s nonverbal behavior on academic achievement of students and to explore the perceptions of students regarding nonverbal behavior of teachers. The total population of the study was 127,082 students at public sector schools of tehsil Rawalpindi. The sample size was 350 students by using multistage sampling technique. The nature of research was quantitative, and survey design was used. The self-made questionnaire was used in the study for data collection. The pilot test was conducted to check the reliability and validity of the questionnaire. The data was analyzed through SPSS. Mean, standard deviation, regression analysis and chi square test was applied according to the context of objectives and hypothesis. The findings showed that there is positive significant relationship between teacher’s nonverbal behavior and academic achievement of students at secondary level. The ability to behave nonverbally can improve student comprehension in the classroom and teachers' ability to support learning outcomes. The professors' effective use of intonation and voice tone helped the students' understanding of the material more effectively. It is advised that curriculum designers and decision makers acknowledge the value of nonverbal conduct and incorporate it into teacher preparation courses so that future educators are taught in this crucial technology.
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