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The level of maturity is a reference that someone is able to carry out marriage. According to facts, divorce cases are carried out by couples who meet the age requirements. Reaching the minimum age of adulthood in marriage is not enough to conclude that a person has matured. The marriage law only explains that the minimum age for marriage explicitly can be said that a person is an adult. At the same time, it should also consider the person's emotional maturity. So it is necessary to clarify the concept of maturity in marriage law. This research aims to examine the regulation of maturity based on marriage law. This research is normative legal research with a philosophical, statute, and conceptual approach. The techniques for analyzing legal material are survey, question, read, recite/recall, and review using a deductive way of thinking. Based on the discussion that has been carried out, maturity arrangements need to be regulated in the Marriage Law, considering that a person's maturity is not only measured by age, especially in marriage. The nature of maturity in marriage includes the ability to manage patience and anger, economic independence and sexual awareness, the development of secondary sexual characteristics, and the ability to do household chores. Maturity affects a person's ability to understand concepts and apply the skills necessary to form and maintain healthy relationships. It can be used as a consideration in law reform to create responsive and progressive legal rules so that the resulting legal formulation can fulfill justice and reflects the law of human nature.

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Author Biography



1,2,3,4) Faculty of Law, University of Brawijaya


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