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Companies often face financial difficulties that require them to apply for postponement of debt payment obligations (PKPU). Corporate guarantee plays an important role in providing collateral for the company's debt. This research aims to analyze the legal protection given to corporate guarantee in PKPU application. This research uses a normative legal research approach. The data collection technique in this research is by literature study. This approach involves analyzing laws and regulations, court decisions, related documents, and relevant legal literature. The data is analyzed descriptively by identifying the rules relating to the legal protection of corporate guarantee in PKPU. The results showed that the legal protection of the corporate guarantee is regulated in article 1824 of the Civil Code, the corporate guarantee as an insurer is not presumed, but must be held with an express statement, it is not allowed to expand the coverage to exceed the provisions that become conditions when holding it. In addition, the corporate guarantee has privileges regulated in Article 1831 of the Civil Code. The guarantee's liability is limited to the deficiency that cannot be repaid by the debtor. In other words, the corporate guarantee is only responsible for the part of the debt that cannot be fulfilled by the debtor. Article 1837 of the Civil Code gives the corporate guarantee the right to request debt settlement. If the corporate guarantee has paid a certain amount of the guaranteed debt, they have the right to request that the debt be divided equally among all guarantees. Lastly, Article 1847 gives the right to use all of the exceptions or defenses owned by the debtor (declinatoire exeptie or dilatoire exeptie).

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Author Biography




Faculty of Law, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Indonesia


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