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The current study is based on an MPhil research conducted between 2015 and 2018 by Khattak (2018). Its main objective was to examine the behavior of individuals who were affected by the Army Public School incident and explore the protective factors that played a role in preventing the development of psychopathology. The study focused on four key factors: religiosity, resilience, locus of control, and psychopathology. To assess these factors in the affected individuals (n=105), the researchers utilized the State-Trait Resilience Inventory (Hiew, 2000), a Religiosity scale, the Psychopathology scale of the Multidimensional Personality Inventory (Zeb, 2013), and the locus of control scale (Levenson, 1973). A total of 206 participants took part in the study, with 103 of them being Army Public School affected individuals, and the other 103 being from the general population. The average age of the participants was 21 years. The results of the study indicated that among the Army Public School affected individuals, those with higher levels of religiosity scored lower on the psychopathology scale compared to those with lower levels of religiosity. Similarly, individuals who scored higher on the resilience scale showed lower levels of psychopathology in comparison to those with lower resilience scores. Additionally, significant differences were found between the Army Public School victims and the general public in terms of their external locus of control scores. However, the mediation analysis did not establish resilience as a mediator between religiosity and psychopathology in this context.

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Author Biography



1Lecturer, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University Peshawar

2Assistant Professor , Deprtment of Psychology, University of Peshawar

3Lecturer ,Department of Psychology, University of Peshawar

4Lecturer, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University Peshawar



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