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Terrorism in Pakistan exacerbates the appeal of violent extremism within society and the government. This undermines the established practise of accepting and respecting different religious and cultural beliefs in our nation. A tragic incident occurred on December 16, resulting in the loss of numerous lives at a school in Peshawar. This highlights the existential peril posed by extremism in Pakistan. Efforts to counter extremism in Pakistan require a more cohesive and coordinated plan, despite existing deradicalization initiatives in certain regions. The CVE policy should encompass de-radicalization efforts for individuals and counter-radicalization efforts in wider social and political contexts. Effective implementation of countering violent extremism (CVE) policies requires a comprehensive comprehension of the extremist menace within the framework of Pakistan's diverse religious and ethnic landscape for optimal outcomes. Various factors need consideration when discussing violent extremism in Pakistan. Pakistan's approach to addressing the extensive and intricate problem necessitates active engagement with the global community. Efforts are required from both the government and society to address the issue of individuals joining extremist groups. The effectiveness of existing deradicalization efforts in Pakistan would be diminished without a comprehensive national strategy to address violent extremism.
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