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One-to-one technology integration has revolutionized classroom dynamics, transitioning from traditional methods to digitally-driven approaches. Concurrently, game-based learning and real-time response systems have emerged as prominent tools for enhancing student motivation and learning while also influencing instructional and assessment procedures. This study examines the influence of one-to-one technology implementation on students' academic performance and motivation in Pakistani classrooms. The investigation focused on comparing two fifth-grade classrooms, one with traditional teaching methods and the other with one-to-one technology implementation to determine the effects on students’ learning outcomes. The research was conducted in a Pakistani school as part of a technology pilot program funded by a local welfare organization. The study analyzed data from unit tests and game-based educational assessments to assess academic performance and motivation, respectively. The results indicated a significant impact of technology on students' academic performance and motivation. However, it was noted that these positive outcomes could not be solely attributed to technology usage. The study highlights the potential of technology to enhance the teaching-learning process when thoughtfully integrated into classroom practices as the successful integration of technology into educational settings can significantly enhance student engagement, academic performance, and overall eagerness for learning, yielding substantial benefits for schools. The implications of this study are crucial for the design of educational programs with one-to-one technology implementation and for faculty development plans to effectively promote the integration of technology within the classroom setting.
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