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The spread of Covid-19 can occur through transmission from human to human through droplets, which is why one of the most important preventive measures to be implemented is to carry out restrictions. However, these restrictions have had a devastating impact on the state's economic system. Even so, if restrictions aren't carried out and implemented, the number of people infected by Covid-19 will continuously increase and threaten humankind. The research method used is a normative juridical legal research method, using the statute and conceptual approaches. Primary and secondary legal materials are collected and inventoried, then processed and studied in depth to obtain a complete picture of the legal issues under study. The results show that there are various laws and regulations aimed at the health sector for the prevention or control of Covid-19, and various laws and regulations in the economic recovery sector have also been issued during the Covid-19 pandemic. The government has fulfilled the guarantee of these rights from various regulations that have been formed. This can also be reflected in the institutions formed in Indonesia that specifically focus on Covid-19-related problems contained in the regulations regarding the formation of the Covid-19 Task Force for Handling Covid-19, as well as the National Economic Recovery and Transformation Task Force. The conclusions that can be drawn in this study are guarantees and fulfillment of the right to work and the right to a good and healthy living environment, not an antinomy during the Covid-19 pandemic. The government has tried to fulfill the guarantee for these rights which can be seen from the various laws and regulations issued during the Covid-19 period, both from the health and economic aspects.
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