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The New Public Service (NPS) Paradigm is a concept developed to counter the administrative paradigm that has become mainstream, known as the New Public Management (NPM) paradigm, which operates on the principle of "running government like a business" or "market as a solution to the ills in the public sector." This research aims to explore alternative strategies to improve the quality of public services through the implementation of the New Public Service principles in population administration services. The focus of this literature review is on humanistic-based public services (serving citizens rather than treating them as customers), prioritizing the public interest, and ensuring accountability. The implementation of the New Public Service principles can enhance the synergy of public services and the responsiveness of public service organizations to the community's needs. Adopting the principles of citizen-centric service, seeking the public interest, and ensuring public service accountability as part of the New Public Service paradigm offers an alternative way to improve the quality of public services. This study adopts a qualitative approach.
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