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Capacity building is interpreted as increasing the ability or competence of individuals, groups and organizations which includes many components, so that in this capacity building there are several dimensions and focuses. This study aims to analyze the capacity building strategy of public sector organizations at PT. Sulsel Citra Indonesia or Perseroda in South Sulawesi Province. This study used qualitative research methods. Data sources include primary data and secondary data. The results of the research show that the strategy for developing the capacity of public sector organizations, namely PT. Sulsel Citra Indonesia or Perseroda in South Sulawesi Province has not been fully effective. This can be seen from the nine aspects of the strategy for developing the capacity of public sector organizations, including: organizational mission and strategy, organizational culture, organizational structure, organizational competence, organizational processes, organizational human resources, organizational financial resources, information resources and organizational infrastructure, which of the nine aspects provide results that have not been able to be fulfilled as a whole. Public sector organizations especially those under government coordination should be able to accelerate through capacity building to be able to adapt to existing changes so as to be able to contribute to regional development.
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