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The research aims to find out the implementation of the function of ombudsman in resolving overlapping disputes for land ownership rights. It is a socio-juridical research, a combination of normative and empirical research. It was conducted in Tanjung Selor subdistrict, Bulungan district, North Kalimantan. The results of research indicated that the overlapping of land rights was caused by the consequent non-enactment of the law, unclear land boundaries, the ease of making Land Ownership Statement, and development. The measures that have been taken by the Ombudsman of North Kalimantan are written clarifications, field investigations, summons, issuance of the final audit report, and monitoring. Therefore, in resolving the overlapping dispute based on these rights, the ombudsman does not undertake a litigation or non-litigation resolution because the final product of the resolution made by the ombudsman is only a recommendation, and now the case of overlapping land rights has only just at monitoring stage. For this reason, an active role from the government is needed to conduct socialization related to land registration, so that the government community will always work together to keep land registration data up to date.

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