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The present study considered the mediating role of CSR commitment at first level of proposed mediation model and green competitive advantage at second level for the implantation of corporate social responsibility practices (environmental, social and economic) for sustainable financial performance of SMEs. The present study considered the SMEs from manufacturing sector of Pakistan as unit of analysis and owner/managers as representatives of SMEs were the main respondents of the study. With the 53.27% response rate, through survey questionnaire a total of 391 questionnaires were collected for final data analysis. The PLS-SEM techniques was used for the analysis of second and first order constructs and hypothesis testing. The findings indicates that CSR commitment mediates positively and significantly between the relationship of CSR practices (environmental, social and economic) and green competitive advantage at first level of serial mediation. Then at second level of serial mediation green competitive mediates significantly between the relationship of CSR commitment and sustainable financial performance
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